Air Mobility Command Museum “Aviation Summer Camp Program” 2024


Hey guys! So for the past week or so I have been going to a summer camp at the Air Mobility Command Museum in Dover, DE.

On the first day we talked about evolution of aircraft. That was kinda boring.

On the second day, however we went on a Cessna 172, and took off from an Air Force Base! You do not get to do that every day!! We went on a flight simulator which was an Xbox series X running Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. We also saw a KC-10 Extender boom pod and boom. And the body parts of the same type of Cessna we had flown in!!

On day 3 we made a lunar habitat. We made a scientific room. I was in charge of the research part so I made a “Moon Core” which was a dice in a tube with tube sticking out of it one of which going to a cardboard computer my brother fashioned.

On the 4th day we had BEDROCK (Whenever there is a problem ,BEDROCK thinks of innovative ways to fix it) and the DAFB K-9 training people came over.

On the 5th and final day (the day of this post) we heard from the Artemis Project. Also we ate Chick-fil-A.

“I am priceless, I am cool, I am smart.” -Patti, Teacher at AMCM.


We ate CFA (Picture 1,Top left)

My shirt (picture 2,top coulm,right)

Me and john with our certificates (picture 3, bottom, top column ,right)

Me with my BEDROCK coin (picture 4, Bottom left)

Me and John at stripped Cessna 172 (picture 5, Bottom right)

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